



The createNested function is a utility for handling nested data within a Dreamstate context. It creates a nested sub-state designed for deeper shallow checking, allowing individual fields of a nested object to be compared during state updates. This optimization utility does not add functional value by itself but helps Dreamstate determine which parts of the nested state have changed.

Call Signature

function createNested<T extends AnyObject>(
  initialValue: T
): Nested<T>;
interface NestedBase<T> {
  asMerged(state: Partial<T>): Nested<T>;
type Nested<T> = T & NestedBase<T>;


  • initialValue: the initial state of the nested value object. This must be an object because nested stores are intended to hold state that will be compared field by field during context updates


  • TypeError: thrown if the nested store is initialized with a value that is not an object


The primary purpose of createNested is to mark a nested context object as a sub-store. Dreamstate will include every field of this nested object in its shallow comparison process before updating the React tree, rather than only comparing the object reference. This means that changes to individual properties within the nested object will trigger re-renders appropriately, without needing to replace the entire nested object.


For example, if we want nested value to be shallow checked every time instead of only 'example' object reference check, we can write following code:

export class ManagerWithUtils extends ContextManager<IContextWithUtils> {
  public readonly context: IContextWithUtils = {
    exampleActions: createActions({}),
    example: createNested({
      loadable: createLoadable(10),
      simpleString: "10"
    computed: createComputed((context: IContextWithUtils) => ({
      booleanSwitch: context.nested.simpleString.length > 2,
      concatenated: context.nested.simpleString + context.nested.simpleString + "!"
    basicObject: {
      first: 1,
      second: 2  
    primitive: 10,

How comparison will happen after "setContext call":

  • Check context.exampleActions, looks like it is actions store so skipping it
  • Check context.example, looks like it is nested, so:
    • Check example.loadable by reference
    • Check example.sampleString by reference
  • Check computed, looks like computed so skipping it
  • Check basicObject by reference
  • Check primitive by value

    It means that react tree update will happen after setContext call only after following cases:
  • example.loadable changed
  • example.simpleString changed
  • basicObject reference changed
  • primitive value changed
  • context has new key added
  • example has new key added