



createProvider is a factory function for combining context managers and creating a single provider component. It enables components within the provider to consume the related context seamlessly.

Call Signature

interface ProviderProps<T> {
  initialState?: T;
  children?: ReactNode;

export interface CreateProviderProps {
   * A flag that determines whether to observe the context changes in one large React node
   *   or as smaller scoped nodes for better performance.
  isCombined?: boolean;

function createProvider(
  sources: Array<ContextManagerConstructor>,
  config?: CreateProviderProps,
): FunctionComponent<ProviderProps<T>>;


  • sources: an array of context manager classes to be provided
  • config: configuration object for adjusting created provider


A React component that provides the specified context managers within a component tree. The returned component supports an initialState property for initializing context.


  • Do not create providers inside render functions
  • Providers should be created once per combination as a constant reference, globally or in some cached storage
  • It is preferable to have a few provision points rather than providing ContextManagers everywhere
  • initialState property can be passed on provider on rendering, it will be supplied for managers on construction
  • isCombined config value can be passed on provider creation to adjust how managers are provisioned


  • TypeError: thrown if the parameter is not an array
  • TypeError: thrown if any member of the array does not extend ContextManager


For example, to provide context services with a pre-calculated initial state:

// Create the provider as a static value, should not be inside a render function.
const RootProvider: FunctionComponent = createProvider([

const initialState = { a: 1, b: 2 };

function SampleComponent(): ReactElement {
  return (
    <RootProvider initialState={initialState}>