



useManager is a hook for consuming ContextManagers. It serves as a specialized alias for React's useContext, tailored for use with ContextManagers. Additionally, it accepts an optional memo selector function that returns an array of observed dependencies, allowing optimized re-rendering based on specific context properties.

Call Signature

function useManager<
  S extends AnyObject,
  M extends ContextManagerConstructor<S>
  Manager: M,
  depsSelector?: (context: S) => Array<any>
): S;


  • Manager: The class reference of the ContextManager to consume within the current component scope
  • depsSelector (optional): A callback function that extracts an array of dependencies from the context. This selector is used for diff checking to optimize re-rendering by triggering updates only when the specified dependencies change


The current context value provided by the specified ContextManager in the active scope or value declared in static gedDefaultContext method. If static method was not overrode in manager class, returns null.


  • TypeError: Thrown if the supplied parameter is not an instance of a ContextManager


  • Using a selector callback as the second parameter can help optimize rendering in components that consume large contexts by focusing updates on only the necessary fields
  • Supplying the manager as a default parameter makes the component easier to test, as it allows you to mock the context without wrapping the component in a Context.Provider. Also it can help to visually distinguish internal component hooks and subscription to managers


For example, to consume context provided by AuthManager:

export function SomeComponent(): ReactElement {
  const { username } = useManager(AuthManager);
  // ... component logic and rendring

By default, every update to the auth context will trigger a re-render of the component (as is typical with React's useContext). To observe only specific fields and avoid unnecessary re-renders, supply a memo selector:

export function SomeComponent(): ReactElement {
  const { username } = useManager(
    ({ username }: IAuthContext) => [username]
  // ... component logic

Variant with props:

export function SomeComponent({
  authContext: { username } = useManager(AuthManager)
}): ReactElement {
  // ... component logic and rendring