

Method decorator.


Marks method as query handler. Every query request with provided type will be handled by service instance method.
Services handlers priority is same as instantiation order.

Mainly used to register query requests handlers with generic getter logic that does some job and returns results.

Call Signature

type QueryType<T extends string = string> = symbol | string | number | T;

interface QueryRequest<D extends any = undefined, T extends QueryType = QueryType> {
  type: T;
  data?: D;

@OnQuery(queryType: QueryType): MethodDecorator;


  • queryType - specific query type to be handled by decorated method


  • TypeError : no query type parameter(s) present
  • TypeError : decorated method does not belong to ContextManager class


  • Should be used to mark some service getter methods as query handlers
  • Handlers can be both sync and async
  • Queries should be simple getters without side effects


If few services need some data that should not be observed or handled by another class, but is needed for one-time operation, queries can help.

As an example, some service has method that logs some important data. It is not important where it is placed and who handles it, only specific data is needed.

import { QueryResponse, ContextManager } from "dreamstate";

export class LoggingService extends ContextManager {
  public logImportantData(): void {
    const information: QueryResponse<string> = this.queryDataSync({ type: "IMPORTANT_DATA" });

    if (information) {
      console.info("Got some data for you:", information.data);
    } else {
      console.info("Could not get data, no one responded.");

Current implementation of 'logImportantData' method tries to get some data, but it cannot guarantee if anyone will respond.
@OnQuery decorated methods always return value packed in a 'QueryResponse' object.

Manager with important data that handles query can look like this:

import { QueryRequest, OnQuery, ContextManager } from "dreamstate";

export class ImportantDataService extends ContextManager {
  public onImportantDataRequested(queryRequest: QueryRequest<void>): string {
    return "Really important data!";

Or it could be event simple react component:

import { QueryRequest, OnQuery, ContextManager, useScope, ScopeContext } from "dreamstate";
// ...

export function SomeComponent(): ReactElement {
  const scope: ScopeContext = useScope();

  useEffect(() => {
    return scope.registerQueryProvider("IMPORTANT_DATA", () => {
      return "Some important data.";  
  }, []);
  return "Some label";

So, if instance of ImportantDataService is provided (or component is rendered) by the moment when LoggingService needs some important data, it will respond on the query.

With parameters:

Query parameters can be provided when sending query:

export class LoggingService extends ContextManager<{}> {

  public context: {} = {};

  public logMultipliedData(): void {
    const multiplied: QueryResponse<number> = this.queryDataSync({
      type: "MULTIPLIED_BY_TWO",
      data: 16

    if (multiplied) {
      console.info("Multiplied value:", information.data); // 32
    } else {
      console.info("Could not get data, no one responded.");

export class MultiplicationService extends ContextManager {

  public onImportantDataRequested(queryRequest: QueryRequest<number>): number {
    return queryRequest.data * 2;


If getter should be async, alternative would look as simple as sync one:

export class LoggingService extends ContextManager {

  public async logImportantData(): Promise<void> {
    const information: QueryResponse<string> = await this.queryDataAsync({ type: "IMPORTANT_DATA" });

    if (information) {
      console.info("Got some data for you:", information.data); // "Really important data!"
    } else {
      console.info("Could not get data, no one responded.");
